…………what the hell do you take for a year??? I had a rough idea and had everything laid out ready to pack in my fantastic rucksack on wheels (i know, i know) Kept putting it off for ages, so I started to pack tonight. Everything fitted in BUT you couldn’t tell what was on the bottom layer and would have ended up pulling loads of stuff out to find things. Got REALLY annoyed because I’m pretty organised and I like to be able to see everything. So I decided to switch it up a little (probably goes against all golden rules of packing) still rolled everything but have them standing up instead of lying down. So here are my clothes for the next 12 months……

My house for the next 12 months!!!!!

Pretty neat eh? You can see everything and can extract one thing at a time. You wouldn’t believe how much is in there!!! Even have an empty 15 litre pouch at the front for laundry. Yeah for Lindy (God I’m such a nerd!!) It isn’t too heavy either, any weight in it is down to the feckin toiletries which I’m not going to get annoyed about because I love my potions…… 🙂 I think this means I’m ready to go……

P.S. Thank god it’s a year of summer, there’s no way a winter wardrobe could have fit in there too 🙂